Passive House Designs

When building, the wall structure of your house is what defines how sturdy it will be for years to come. Various techniques have been implemented to suit the style desired by the owner and required by the building site. We present to you the different techniques and types of walls that you can have depending on what is required.
Type of rock or soil upon which the structure will stand is vital to the type of chosen construction. For example, a house built near the ocean will have different specifications from one that is inland-based on more compact soil or rocks. Sloping terrains will also require a different wall mechanism.

Types of wall construction that can be seen in Australia

Double brick

The external and internal layers of the walls are built using bricks that are laid in an interlocking manner. These are design for strong load bearing. These walls possess a cavity between the two layers that allows water and moisture to go through. The provisions may also involve weep holes and flashing for enhanced fluid and vapour removal from the building. More important are the brick ties that should be correctly positioned between the two brickwork skins.

Brick veneer

There is an external load-bearing perimeter wall made of a single brick skin. Behind the brick veneer is a wood frame wall which is actually holding up the house, inner walls are made up of a suitable lining material such as gypsum or fibre cement board.


This type of wall consists of horizontal boards or cladding covering the exterior where the edges overlap to get rid of rain. Behind the cladding is a structural timber frame, inner walls are made up of a suitable lining material such as gypsum or fibre cement board.

Concrete blocks

A concrete block wall is made up of individual concrete blocks arranged in a proper manner. Just like any other concrete structure, these walls consist of steel reinforcement. Behind the concrete block wall are non-structural metal or timber battens, inner walls are made up of a suitable lining material such as gypsum or fibre cement board.


Thorough planning will involve choosing the appropriate type of construction for your residence, extension or commercial building. It is also beneficial to consult with a specialist or a structural engineer before proceeding. At Kitek WIndows, we endeavour to make you aware of all of the above as we also take into account the costs of supplying, transporting and lifting the materials where necessary. If you have some time off your schedule, walk around the neighbourhood to confirm some of the burning construction questions. That way, you are more likely to get it right.

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